Rules & Constitution

The LDAA Committee reserves the right to refuse, expel, or withdraw any membership at any time.


  • ALL fish must be returned to the water alive, unless written permission is given by the committee prior to removal. This rule supersedes any national byelaw etc that may otherwise permit fish removal. Anybody removing fish from an LDAA water, without prior permission, is committing an offence under the Theft Act 1968. LDAA will ALWAYS take legal action against anybody violating this rule.
  • All anglers are to have a disgorger or similar unhooking device/implement available at all times.
  • All anglers are to have a landing net of suitable size for target fish available at all times.
  • Unhooking mats are highly recommended but not essential – specifically if taking pictures of captures placed upon the bank. Always think fish safety!
  • The carrying or discharging of firearms is prohibited.
  • Do not cause damage to property, fences, trees, or banks of the water at LDAA venues Wherever possible, LDAA will take legal action against individuals under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 if this rule is violated.
  • All allocated disability pegs are to be vacated at the request of a disability angler, unless the peg is already occupied by a disabled angler.
  • Open fires are strictly prohibited at all of our venues. Any BBQs are to be off the floor, and not to scorch the natural fauna.
  • Under 16s must be supervised on all LDAA waters at all times by a responsible adult/parent/guardian.
  • No parking on the banks at any time – please use a suitable and valid parking space.
  • No unauthorised pegging of matches allowed on any LDAA waters.
  • If night fishing at Laughterton or North Clifton (Members Only), then all assigned match pegs are to be vacated by 08:30 on Match Day. All other venues with matches booked are not to be fished on Match Day.
  • The following baits are not to be used on LDAA waters: live bait; bloodworm; joker; whole tiger nuts.
  • All anglers are to close all gates behind them, taking special care to avoid damaging fences, banks and crops.
  • Discard of litter appropriately. Please use a suitable bin, or take your litter home with you. You are responsible for the removal of ALL litter from your peg when you vacate it.
  • Fishing is to be avoided where boats are moored, i.e. summer and permanent moorings.
  • No fishing from un-moored boats, kayaks, or any other form of un-moored watercraft is to take place within LDAA waters.
  • No camping – only bivvy equipment at the designated LDAA Night Fishing venues.



Lincoln and District Angling Association Rules of the Association – October 21st 2024

1. Title

a) The Association shall be known as the Lincoln and District Angling Association, and hereafter referred to as the “LDAA”.

2. Objectives

a) The objectives of the LDAA shall be

i) To provide a diverse range of angling opportunities for members.

ii) To promote the interests of angling and anglers. iii) To be environmentally conscious.

3. LDAA Values

a) The LDAA prides itself on the following values

i) Respect

ii) Inclusivity iii) Honesty iv) Fairness

v) Teamwork

4. Membership

a) LDAA membership shall be purchased through the ClubMate online membership system. Individuals who are unable to purchase a membership through the ClubMate online system should contact the LDAA committee for support.

b) The LDAA shall consist of the following classes of members

i) Ordinary members

i. Adult (18 or older)

ii. Juniors (aged 13 to 18)

iii. Senior citizens (65 or older)

iv. People with disabilities

ii) Temporary members

i. Temporary membership may be obtained by the purchase of a day ticket.

iii) Honorary members

i. Honorary membership may be issued by the executive committee to LDAA officials, bailiffs and volunteers.

iv) Life time honorary members

i. Life Time Honorary membership may be elected at the LDAA AGM.

c) All members of the LDAA (Ordinary, Temporary, Honorary and Life Time Honorary) are bound by the LDAA rules, and must adhere to the code of conduct.

d) Juniors, Senior citizens and people with disabilities may obtain memberships at reduced rates as determined by the AGM.

e) Juniors, attending events ran by the LDAA, must have a membership to bring about public liability insurance for themselves and the organisers action for the association.

f) Membership in any class may be limited by the committee subject to confirmation at the next AGM.

5. Code of Conduct

a) Members shall take responsibility for ensuring they are up to date with the LDAA general rules, venue rules, and code of conduct before fishing.

b) Members shall conduct themselves as positive representatives of the LDAA.

c) Members shall report any concerns which relate to safeguarding (of a child or adult) to the LDAA committee.

d) Members must have an appropriate Environment Agency Licence, and provide evidence of this to LDAA bailiffs if requested.

e) Members will not damage or litter LDAA venues.

f) Anglers under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

g) Members will abide the LDAA general rules; and abide any venue specific rules.

h) Members will interact with other members in a respectful manner, and refrain from any form or threatening, bullying, aggressive or abusive behaviour.

i) Members will respect the rights and dignity of others regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or other personal characteristics.

j) Members will not consume drugs or illegal substances on LDAA venues.

k) Members will not act in an unlawful manner.

l) No member shall undertake any action that may bring the reputation of the LDAA into disrepute.

6. General Rules

a) Member will adhere by the LDAA general rules, and venue specific rules, which are available on the ClubMate app, and on venue notice boards.

b) No live-baiting on any LDAA venue.

c) No bloodworm and joker on any LDAA venue (on the advice of the EA).

d) Members shall close all gates on LDAA venues and lock all locks securely.

e) Members shall not share lock codes with non-members.

7. Membership resignation

a) A member may resign their membership at any time by cancelling their membership on ClubMate.

b) Members resigning their membership shall not be entitled to a refund, unless under exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the committee.

8. Complaints

a) A complaint can be made by any member of the LDAA, or by a non-member.

b) A complaint can be made against any member of the LDAA, including LDAA officials, bailiffs and volunteers.

c) Complaints should be served upon the LDAA secretary in writing, providing full details of the specific alleged breach of LDAA general or venue rules, or breaches of the code of conduct.

d) The LDAA committee will undertake a full investigation within 28 days of receiving the complaint and report an outcome of the investigation to the individual who registered the complaint, and the person subject of the complaint.

e) If a complaint relates to a member of the committee, part of the bailiff team, or an LDAA volunteer, the investigation will be undertaken by an LDAA trustee.

f) The LDAA committee has the authority to issue suspensions and expulsions as outlined in section 9 of this constitution.

9. Suspension and Expulsion

a) The LDAA committee have the power to suspend any member for such period they deem fit, or to expel a member, if there are any reported breaches of the LDAA rules, venue rules, or code of conduct.

b) The committee shall call a disciplinary hearing at the next available committee meeting to hear the case of any proposed member suspension or expulsion. The disciplinary hearing will be conducted by at least 5 committee members. Any committee decision on suspension or expulsion must be made by majority vote. The Chair has a casting vote in the event of a tie.

c) The committee have the power to issue interim suspensions to members until the disciplinary hearing is heard.

d) The committee may hear evidence at a disciplinary hearing in whatever form they choose to admit. The member should be invited to the disciplinary hearing unless exceptional circumstances prevent this. Exceptional circumstances should be determined by majority LDAA committee vote.

e) Any member subject to suspension or expulsion has the right to appeal within 14 days of a committee decision.

f) An appeal hearing will include two trustees, alongside two committee members, and any decisions shall be final.

10. LDAA management

a) The management of the LDAA shall be vested in the committee, within the constraints of this constitution.

11. LDAA committee

a) The purpose of the LDAA committee is to manage the LDAA on behalf of the members, in line with the LDAA values, and to meet the objectives outlined in this constitution.

b) The LDAA shall be managed by a committee of no more than 15 members and shall meet on a monthly basis.

c) The committee shall be elected by the members at the AGM, in line with the LDAA committee election process. A fit and proper person check must be completed before any application for a committee position can be offered to a member.

d) At each AGM one third (or closest to a one third) of the committee shall retire from office. This shall be the longest standing members of the committee. The committee members retiring from office shall be eligible to stand for reelection.

e) Upon the committee being voted in at the AGM, the following positions shall be voted on by the members at the AGM. Nominations for each position require a proposer and seconder within the committee. i) Chair person ii) Vice Chair person iii) Secretary

iv) Treasurer

f) The committee positions outlined in paragraph 11.e) shall receive an honorarium agreed by the committee, and shall be disclosed at the AGM.

g) The committee may appoint officers to other roles within the committee, which must be confirmed by majority vote at a committee meeting.

h) The committee has the power to co-opt two members into the committee. This must be done through a majority committee vote at a committee meeting.

i) In extenuating circumstances, the committee can co-opt more than two members into the committee, but these members must retire from office at the next AGM, and are eligible to stand for re-election.

j) All committee members have a vote at committee meetings. A quorate vote must have at least 5 committee members, and include three committee members who are not in the roles outlined in paragraph 11.e). In the event of equal votes, the chairperson may defer the resolution, or cast a deciding vote.

k) Committee members must not receive benefit from their role on the committee in the way of financial or other. Any conflict of interest must be declared to the committee.

12. Financial controls

a) The LDAA treasurer shall appoint an accountant, to provide monthly book keeping on behalf of the LDAA.

b) The treasurer shall present financial reports to the trustees on a quarterly basis.

c) The treasurer shall produce an annual report for the members in readiness for the AGM. This should include annual accounts from the accountant.

d) The treasurer shall produce an annual budget outlining projected incomes and expenditures in readiness for the AGM.

e) Committee members, officers, bailiffs and volunteers must obtain authorisation from the chairperson and treasurer before making any purchases on behalf of the LDAA.

f) The chairperson and treasurer are authorised to approve purchases up to £2,500.00, and only in line with the budget produced at the AGM.

g) Any purchases over £2,500.00 must be authorised by the trustees.

h) Any purchases over £10,000.00 must be authorised by the members at an AGM or EGM.

13. Trustees

a) The LDAA shall appoint at least three, and no more that five trustees.

b) LDAA trustees shall

i) Hold the LDAA committee to account, in line with their responsibilities contained within this constitution.

ii) Own, on behalf of the LDAA, any assets and leases.

iii) Act as intermediaries in dispute resolution, undertake disciplinary investigations, and or act as independent panel members on any disciplinary cases which involve an LDAA officials.

iv) Trustees shall hold office for five-year terms, or until death, resignation or they are removed from office by a resolution at an AGM.

v) After serving a five-year term, a trustee can be re-elected at the AGM.

c) The trustees shall be available to audit the LDAA finances on a frequency not less than quarterly.

d) Trustees shall not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the LDAA committee. Trustees do not have a vote in committee meetings.

e) The trustees shall, if concerns arise, raise them with the membership through the calling of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

a) Annual General Meeting (AGM)

a) The AGM shall be held at such time and place decided by the LDAA committee between April 1st and May 31st each year. The committee shall ensure that the following is adhered to in the lead up to each AGM

i) For 8 weeks leading up to the AGM, the LDAA committee shall display where appropriate, details of the AGM including date, time and location.

ii) For 6 weeks leading up to the AGM, the LDAA committee shall display where appropriate, the Agenda for the AGM.

iii) Resolutions can be requested by the membership by submitting them in writing to the LDAA secretary no later 4 weeks before the date of the AGM.

iv) All person(s)s submitting a resolution for the AGM, must be present at the AGM. Absence by said person(s) will revoke the resolution unless the absence has been notified in writing to the Secretary at least seven days in advance. A representative of the absentee(s) can attend if the Secretary has been notified of their name(s), in writing.

v) A resolution can be added to the AGM agenda by either a majority vote from the LDAA committee, or a submission signed by five percent of the LDAA membership (measured by the ClubMate data on the date of the most recent LDAA committee meeting).

vi) For 3 weeks leading up to the AGM, the LDAA committee shall display where appropriate, details of the final agenda.

vii) Amendments to the fixed agenda will not be accepted at the AGM.

b) Members must produce their Clubmate membership details to gain entry to the AGM.

c) Members unable to produce their Clubmate membership must inform the LDAA secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM.

d) The AGM agenda shall consist of

i) Chair opening remarks ii) Minutes of previous AGM iii) Secretary report iv) Treasurer report v) Trustee report vi) Election of committees vii) Fees

viii) Resolutions (in detail)

e) LDAA rules may be added, amended or repealed only at an AGM or EGM.

f) Ten percent of LDAA membership (measured by the ClubMate data on the day of the most recent LDAA committee meeting) must vote on a resolution for it to be quorate. A majority of two thirds (of those voting) must vote in favour of a resolution for it to be quorate.

g) Junior members (under 18 years old) are encouraged to attend the LDAA AGMs. They do not have voting rights.

h) All members, including club officials, shall have the rights to vote at an AGM.

i) The LDAA AGM should be a positive meeting, where the membership can meet the LDAA officials, and offer the members an opportunity engage with the LDAA officials, bailiff teams, and volunteers. The AGM is a good opportunity for the membership to meet other anglers in our association.

j) Any member misconducting himself at the AGM, so as to hinder business, or pose risk of harassment or harm to any individual, shall be called to order by the chair. If they persist with misconduct, they shall be expelled from the meeting.

b) Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

a) An EGM can be called by the LDAA trustees, the LDAA committee, or by the membership.

b) The LDAA trustees can request an EGM by a majority vote in a trustee meeting. The request shall be issued to the LDAA secretary in writing, detailing any agenda item requests or proposed resolutions.

c) The LDAA committee can request an EGM by a majority vote in a committee meeting. The request shall be issued to the LDAA secretary in writing, detailing any agenda item requests or proposed resolutions.

d) The membership can request an EGM by sending a written request to the LDAA secretary (measured by the ClubMate data on the day of the most recent LDAA committee meeting). This request must include signatures from ten percent of the membership who support the request. The request should detail any agenda item requests or proposed resolutions.

e) The LDAA secretary shall call the EGM within 8 weeks of receiving a valid EGM request. The LDAA committee will publish notice of the EGM at least 6 weeks before the EGM, and publish details of the agenda at least 4 weeks prior to the EGM.

f) Any proposed changes to the agenda must be sent to the LDAA secretary in writing at least 2 weeks before the EGM.

g) Ten percent of LDAA membership (measured by the ClubMate data on the day of the most recent LDAA committee meeting) must vote on a resolution for it to be quorate. A majority of two thirds (of those voting) must vote in favour of a resolution for it to be quorate.

c) Vote of no confidence (VONC)

a) In extraordinary circumstances, the membership, committee or trustees may propose a resolution for a VONC. This may relate to an LDAA trustee, committee members, official or bailiff.

b) Extraordinary circumstances may include, but are not limited to,

i) Criminal activity ii) Significant risk posing the future of the LDAA iii) Significant and or repeated breach of the LDAA constitution iv) Malicious, harmful, or negligent behaviour which puts the reputation of, or future of, the LDAA at significant risk.

c) Before a resolution for a VONC can be scheduled within a committee meeting, EGM, or AGM, the issue must first have been reported and investigated through the LDAA complaint procedure outlined in this constitution (section 8).

k) At least ten percent of LDAA membership (measured by the ClubMate data on the day of the most recent LDAA committee meeting) must vote on a VONC resolution. A majority of two thirds (of those voting) must vote in favour of a resolution for it to be quorate.

d) If a VONC is carried at an AGM or EGM, the committee have 30 days to

i) Present plans to the membership to mitigate the issues raised within the VONC resolution.

ii) Present these plans at an EGM (within 30 days of the resolution).

e) If the membership is not satisfied with the action plan presented by the committee, then a second and final vote will take place at the second EGM explained in 15.d) above. This membership vote will be on the resolution of the committee member/s being removed from the committee. This decision will be final.

d) Interpretation

a) The LDAA committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the LDAA rules, constitution, and bye laws. Any question raised with the committee regarding LDAA rules, constitution and bye laws shall be interpreted by the committee, whose decision is final and binding upon the members.

e) Dissolution

a) If at any AGM or EGM a resolution for the dissolution of the LDAA is passed, the LDAA secretary must convene an EGM within 40 days to discuss and vote on the resolution.

b) If at that EGM the resolution is carried out, with at least one third of total members voting, and at least two thirds of those voting doing so in favour of dissolution, the LDAA committee shall begin to discharge all debts and liabilities with the guidance of a legal team.

c) Assets remaining after discharging debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to another organisation having objectives similar to the LDAA, as agreed by the two third majority, of the one third of the membership total, voting at the EGM.

Constitution approved

On (date) 21/10/24

At (venue / meeting details) EGM – St Andrews Community Centre, Saxilby.


Trustee Committee member Member







Printed name

Printed name

Printed name


(can only be made at an AGM/EGM with membership resolution)

Amendment Date approved Signed (LDAA and member


End of document