August 7, 2024
Last Updated:
August 7, 2024

We are very pleased to announce Blue Lagoon is open from today (Wednesday 7th August) for fishing.

Thank you for your patience during this temporary closure of the lake.

There has been much speculation around the lake closure, with accusations of neglect, disinterest and bad management. None of which are even remotely true.

The Lake was closed because of dangerously low oxygen levels due to an algal bloom caused by extended high temperatures along with overgrown tree branches and

bushes, all of which remove oxygen from the water

Steps taken to help the oxygen levels included trimming the lilies around the aerator cascade to allow a greater surface area of oxygenating splash, adding barley bales

to help soak up the algae and the Environment Agency very kindly bringing down and using their mobile water pumps (to directly add oxygen with forced splashes) when

the LDAA mobile pump was found to be in disrepair (this pump has now been repaired).

Moving forward we have a 5 year maintenance plan in place working alongside the Environment Agency which includes borrowing their underwater weed cutter, Barley

bale additions earlier in the year and regular monitoring of oxygen levels. Along with a request to the Council to meet us, a representative from the Environment Agency

and representatives from the Blue Lagoon residents, to work out an acceptable management plan to trim the overhanging tree branches, bushes, grasses and dead


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